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Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) is a member-based, community organisation that creates social value through engineering. Through partnership and collaboration they have focused on developing skills, knowledge and appropriate engineering solutions for over 14 years.

One of EWB projects is to install Biodigester systems, allowing families in rural Cambodia to utilise gas as a source of reliable and free energy, replacing traditional wood-burning cook stoves with a cleaner, healthier, and eco-friendly alternative. The system also produces a high-quality organic fertilizer that increases crop yield and can also be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizer. Combining these benefits, an average rural Cambodian family can save up to $500 per year.

Bunderra Foundation has made  significant contributions which has now supported fifteen families in a remote area in Cambodia to receive the ATEC Biodigester system.

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5 more biodigesters

We will be involved in installing a further 5 biodigesters in remote areas of Cambodia, bringing a total of 15 being installed over the last three years

The five biodigesters we installed last year have made great changes to the families lives and are also helping the environment with reductions in greenhouse gases and saving the use of the forests for fuel.

Our directors had a wonderful visit to Cambodia last year and we able to witness firsthand the positive impact the biodigesters are having.  They are looking forward to returning there soon.

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 ATEC Biodigester

October 2019

Recently, in October 2019, directors Trish and Rene were fortunate enough to visit with some of the recipients of the ATEC Biodigester in Siem Reap, Cambodia. 

It was wonderful to see the huge improvement the Biodigester makes to everyday life and the positive effect that it has on the environment. 

The families were very hospitable and very appreciative of the Biodigester and the changes that it had made to their lives.


Since our first donation, the Bunderra Foundation has now provided 10 biodigesters to Cambodia.

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ATEC Biodigester project

December 2018

As explained above, Bunderra Foundation made a significant donation to Engineers without Borders for their ATEC Biodigester project. We are very pleased to announce the successful installation of 5 biodigesters in the Kratei Province.

Five families have significantly benefited from these installations, each of them contributing $100 directly towards their own system. All five of these customers relied solely on firewood for their cooking but with a biodigester, every customer will have enough gas for all daily cooking needs.


For households ATEC’s experience is that we won’t 100% replace the use of wood/charcoal as this will still be used for special cooking occasions (eg grilling fish as doing this with wood/charcoal tastes better or when their relative gathering at once for any occasion) but it’s going to replace the vast majority of cooking needs.


Every customer will need to feed their biodigester daily with fresh manure in order to achieve optimum gas production. This incentivises farmers to make use of manure which then outputted as bio-slurry which can be used as fertiliser to achieve 10-36% on their crop yield.


Bunderra Foundation is every proud to have been involved with this project. It is a very satisfying feeling knowing that we have been able to significantly help five families with their day to day lives.

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